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Spots & Acne

image Spots & Acne

Spots, acne, blackheads, pimples, zits, pustules and whiteheads are all terms we are familiar with. Most of us have spots or acne of some sort at some point in our lives, particularly during adolescence and young adulthood.

Severe cases of spots and acne can be unpleasant to experience and can greatly affect a persons self-esteem. We've put together a category to give spot sufferers all the help, advice and information they need. Not to mention a comprehensive range of effective spot and acne treatments!

If you suffer from simple spots, severe acne vulgaris, blackheads, a spotty back or are just looking for the best spot and acne treatments, we have just the products for you.
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Popular Products

Spot & Acne Treatments

  • Spot & Acne Creams

    Spot & Acne Creams

    Cream treatments for spots and acne including benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and natural-based formulations.

  • Spot & Acne Face Washes

    Spot & Acne Face Washes

    A medicated facewash is a great addition to a spot and acne treatment regime. We also have acne cleansers, exfoliants and soaps.

  • Spot & Acne Gels

    Spot & Acne Gels

    Gels are our most popular form of spot and acne treatment. They aren't as greasy as a cream and come in alcohol-based and water-based varieties.

  • Spot & Acne Sprays

    Spot & Acne Sprays

    A pump spray is a great way to deliver treatment to any hard to reach places. They also require no direct contact with the affected area.

  • Facial Wipes & Pads

    Facial Wipes & Pads

    Facial wipes and pads for spot-prone skin are great for removing excess oil and freshening up the skin when on the go.

  • Blemish Sticks/Patches

    Blemish Sticks/Patches

    Blemish sticks and spot zappers are a great way to deliver local, targeted treatment to troublesome areas.

  • Pore Strips

    Pore Strips

    Pore strips are a valuable tool in the fight against blackheads. They remove the debris inside blocked pores, helping to improve your skins visible appearance.


Related Products

  • Oily Skin Products

    Oily Skin Products

    Oily skin is often associated with spots and acne. Our oily skin category has washes, cleansers, toners, moisturisers and make-up products specially formulated for people with oily and spot-prone skin.

Related Conditions

Related Information

  • Benzoyl Peroxide

    Benzoyl Peroxide

    Benzoyl peroxide is the active ingredient in many effective spot and acne treatments. Our dedicated Benzoyl peroxide page offers further information and highlights the products we sell.

  • Top Spot & Acne Treatments

    Top Spot & Acne Treatments

    This page features the ten spot and acne products that are consistently popular with our customers.If you are new to spot and acne treatment, this is a good place to start.

Spot & Acne FAQs

What is acne?

Acne vulgaris is the most frequently encountered skin disorder in the teenage and young adult population. Acne vulgaris is a disorder of the skin and is commonly associated with excessive oil (sebum) production due to hormonal changes at puberty.

Areas typically affected by acne are the face, neck and shoulders. The back and buttocks are also areas prone to outbreaks.

How can I treat acne?

Treatments for mild to moderate acne typically come as topical applications in the form of creams and gels. These treatments often contain antibacterial active ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and triclosan are used to reduce bacteria on the skin and prevent re-infection.

What is the difference between spots and acne?

The terms 'spots' and 'acne' are often used interchangeably, which can sometimes cause confusion.

There is no clear definition of acne, but the term is commonly associated with a particularly severe case of inflamed spots. In fact, blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, pustules and pinheads are all characteristics of acne vulgaris. In comparison with the associations attached to the word 'acne', the term 'spots' tends to be used for less severe, but no less troubling outbreaks of pimples and whiteheads.

We have decided to created a separate acne vulgaris page to focus on the more high-strength spot treatments available. All spot and acne treatments can, however, be found on this page.

What is the difference between spots and pimples?

Spots and pimples are the same thing.

What different types of spot are there?

The most common types of spots/acne are:
  • Whiteheads (closed comedones) are the simplest type of spot, and are caused when the skin pores become blocked with grease. The white stuff is primarily a mixture of oil and dead cells.
  • Blackheads (open comedones) are similar to whiteheads, except the blockage has been partially exposed to air. The black appearance is due to the oxidization of the spots contents.
  • Red spots (papules) are caused by inflammation, such as when a blackhead or whitehead becomes infected. When a papule begins to fill with pus, it becomes a pustule. This indicates a high degree of infection.

How are spots prevented?

In most cases, a thorough cskin cleansing regime is the best line of defense against spots and acne. You can help prevent spots by keeping pores clear of dirt, grease, dead skin cells and bacteria by cleaning the skin regularly with an antibacterial wash or lotion.

How are spots treated?

The two most common pharmacy-licensed active ingredients for treating spots are:
  • Benzoyl Peroxide, which is the active ingredient in acnecide and Quinoderm spot and acne treatments. It works in 3 ways by: killing spot-causing bacteria; breaking down the oil and dead skin in the pores; and peeling the skin so that fresh skin can grow.
  • Nicotinamide, which is the active ingredient in Freederm. It acts as an anti-inflammatory so it is particularly effective against red and inflamed spots and acne.
There are also treatments based on tea tree oil (T-Zone and Optima) and witch hazel (Witch). These also have antibacterial actions, but are gentler on the skin.