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Safe and Sound Handled Nit Comb

Product code: SA2764

Safe and Sound Handled Nit Comb

Product code: SA2764
(incl VAT)
Safe and Sound handled nit comb SA2764 is an ideal way to detect the presence of head lice. Most effective using the wet combing method of treatment.
For chemical treatment using rinses or lotions, it is recommended that the advice of your preferred local healthcare professional is sought.

Head lice are small insects, roughly the size of a match head when fully grown, and usually grey or brown in colour. The eggs are laid in sacs, known as nits, stuck to the base of individual hairs and are dull in colour.
The eggs take 7-10 days to hatch and the empty sacs, being white and shiny, may be found further along the hair shaft as the hair grows out. The lice take 7-14 days to reach maturity, whereupon reproduction can take place.

Carefully and thoroughly comb wet hair from root to tips with the Safe and Sound handled nit comb.
Pay attention to the fringe and behind the ears and the nape of the neck.
inspect and rinse the comb after each stroke.
It is important to trace and treat the source of the infestation.
Regular checks of the whole family should undertaken and schools notified where applicable.

Head lice may be cleared over a two week period without, the use of chemical preparations, using the Safe and Sound handled nit comb.
Wash hair as normal, whilst hair is wet add a generous amount of conditioner and comb the hair carefully and thoroughly ensuring that you start at the root of the hair.
Repeat this routine every 3 - 4 days for 2 weeks so that any lice emerging from eggs are not given the opportunity to reproduce.