Clearblue Digital Ultra Pregnancy Test is designed to provide accurate results as early as six days before your missed period, which is five days before your expected period. Studies indicate that this test can detect 78% of
pregnancies six days before the missed period, 93% five days prior, and 99% or more four days before the missed period. This means you can receive a reliable indication of pregnancy even before your period is due.
Clearblue Digital
Pregnancy test now features a stop light that flashes when enough urine has been collected, reducing usage errors.
- Over 99% accurate.
- Unique stop light.
- 1 Digital test
- Clear results pregnant/not pregnant.
- Recommended by doctors
Directions of use:
Remove from foil, take off the cap, and use immediately.
Either test in your urine stream or a collected urine sample.
Remove the tip from the urine when the stop light BEGINS to flash
This usually takes about 5 seconds. The light will continue to flash briefly and then switch off.
Keep the absorbent tip pointing downward, replace the cap, and lay the test stick flat.
The Smart Countdown will appear on the display, and each segment will appear in sequence to show the test is progressing.
If no Smart Countdown appears, see 'Test errors.'*
Read your result
You can be over 99% certain you are
pregnant whenever you test.
If you tested early, there’s still a chance you
may be pregnant as the amount of hormone
increases rapidly in early pregnancy.
*Book error: An error has occurred during testing. It may be that:
- The absorbent tip was not kept pointing downward.
- The test was not laid flat after urine was applied.
- Too much or too little urine was applied to the tip.
- Test again using a new test, carefully following the instructions.
Blank error
- If the Smart Countdown didn't appear after testing or started to run and then the screen went blank, you will need to perform another test.
- Test again using a new test, carefully following the instructions.