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Bioforce Animal Health Highly Strung Essence 30ml

Product code: 81001

Bioforce Animal Health Highly Strung Essence 30ml

Product code: 81001
(incl VAT)
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Bioforce Animal Health Highly Strung Essence 30ml is blended specifically for overactive, edgy, frisky, excitable and unpredictable animals.

Other indications may be restlessness and an attention seeking disposition. This essence offer relaxaton and encourages a calmer disposition.
  • Small animals such as birds or hamsters - 4 drops in food/water 3 times daily, until the bottle is finished.
  • Medium sized animals such as cats, dogs and rabbits: 7 drops in food/water 3 times daily, until the bottle is finished.
  • Large animals such as horses: 12 drops in food/water 3 times daily, until the bottle is finished.
Do not exceed stated dose. If the animal is not eating or drinking, put drops directly into their mouth.

Treatment Period: No restrictions to long term use. No adverse effects will result from taking the remedies long term, but shorter term treatment periods are often all that is required.

Ingredients: Tinctures of the flowers of: Agrimony, Aspen, Bluebells, Chamomile, Chicory, Cherry Plum, Copper Beech, Impatiens, Rock Water, Scleranthus, Vervain, Wild Oat. Alcohol content: approx. 27%(v/v)