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Acidex Advance Oral Suspension Peppermint Flavour 250ml

Product code: 4033478

Acidex Advance Oral Suspension Peppermint Flavour 250ml

Product code: 4033478
  • Pharmacy Only Medicine
(incl VAT)
Acidex Advance Oral Suspension relives and helps prevent the symptoms of acid reflux, heartburn and indigestion. Acidex Advance Oral Suspension contains active ingredients sodium alginate and potassium hydrogen carbonate which keep food and stomach acid away from the oesophagitis lining preventing acid reflux.
Acidex Advance Oral Suspension may also relieve symptoms from conditions such as an inflamed oesophagitis, hoarse or other voice disorders, sore throat and coughs.

  • 250ml bottle.
  • Prevents and relieves acid reflux, heartburn and indigestion.
  • Peppermint Flavour also available in Aniseed 250ml and 500ml.
Directions for Use:
Suitable for adults and children over the age of 12. Shake bottle well before use. Take 5-10ml orally after meals and before bedtime. If taking other medication consult a medical profession before taking this product. Leave 1-2 between taking Acidex Advance Oral Suspension and any other medication.

*Please read attached leaflet carefully before taking this product.*

  • Keep out of sight and reach of children.
  • Contains parahydroxybenzoates (paraben, E214, E216) which may cause allergic reaction (possibly delayed).
  • If in a controlled sodium or calcium diet or on drugs to increase potassium level take Acidex Advance Oral Suspension into consideration.
  • Side effects are occasional, see leaflet for more information.
  • Do not refrigerate, freeze or use after expiry date shown on bottle.
10ml of Acidex Advance Oral Suspension contains sodium alginate (1000mg), potassium hydrogen carbonate (200mg), parahydroxybenzoates (paraben, E214, E216), sodium (5.1mmol), potassium(2mmol).